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Open Space at NOMA

At NOMA, we are dedicated to providing public spaces for everyone to enjoy and offer the most of any city centre neighbourhood.

We have been working to improve the spaces for residents, workers and visitors around NOMA by carefully designing new and improving existing public realm. Early phase enhancements to the public realm and streetscape have been delivered in partnership with Manchester City Council and with support from the European Regional Development Fund.

This section of the Engage website provides further information about some of the key areas of open space included within NOMA.

  • Situated at centre of the historic estate, Sadler’s Yard provides an excellent spot to eat, drink and relax.
  • Positioned immediately in front of the prestigious One Angel Square, Angel Square is at the heart of the NOMA site.
  • Angel Meadow Park is an asset to the neighbourhood and a highly valued area of green space.

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Sadler’s Yard

Sadler’s Yard is Manchester’s newest public square. Named after James Sadler, a balloonist, chemist and pastry chef who made the first manned balloon flight from Manchester in 1785. Even the square’s naming was innovative, with Sadler’s Yard being one of the first public spaces in Britain to be named through an online crowd-sourcing initiative after members of the public were invited to suggest names for the site via a city wide naming campaign.

Over time Sadler’s Yard will create a warm and welcoming space, with a mix of cafés, restaurants, bars and shops nestled among the historic buildings that form the NOMA listed estate. Already, Sadler’s Yard is home to Sadler’s Cat, formerly known as The Pilcrow, a hand-built community pub that serves some of Manchester’s finest craft beers and a programme of events and activities.

You can also find Pulp Coffee, an independent artisan pop-up cafe, New Century with a great street-food offer and digital arts, creative and tech college, the DBS Institute.


Angel Square

Angel Square was completed thanks to funding from the European Regional Development Fund as Phase One of the NOMA public realm. The space was designed by landscape architects Mecanoo and incorporates 75 different indigenous species, seating and York stone paved walkways connecting the site with the listed estate.

Plans for improvements to create new gathering spaces, more walkways and seating alongside enhanced planting are also planned as part of the 2 Angel Square development.

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Angel Meadow Park

Angel Meadow Park is adjacent to the NOMA site. It is an area of important green space that is much loved by local residents, workers and visitors alike.

After working with local residents, businesses and community groups including the Friends of Angel Meadow (FOAM), a number of improvements to the Park were made during public realm phases of work at NOMA.

This included installation of solar powered lighting, tree maintenance, new planting, improvements to boundary walls and the redesign of the park to deter anti-social behaviour. We have worked closely with local residents, landscape architects and Greater Manchester Police to create an ever more useable and community-friendly space.

Please email us at or call 0800 032 8546 if you have any questions.

Angel Meadow Park