Updated proposals for office development at 2 & 3 Angel Square and the surrounding public space

Angel Gardens - View 01 - Issue 03_edited

Updated proposals for office development at 2 & 3 Angel Square and the surrounding public space

A lot’s changed since we last consulted on our proposals for 2 & 3 Angel Square before the pandemic. But now’s the time to continue NOMA’s success story and move forward with the regeneration of this area.

We’ve updated our proposals for office development at 2 & 3 Angel Square to ensure we’re raising the bar and staying at the forefront of sustainable urban development. Our aim is for these two buildings to be ‘next generation’ in terms of their sustainability and the approach to net zero carbon in construction and operation.

We’ve also developed the design of the buildings to better connect with the public space surrounding them, reimagining Angel Square and providing additional ways for people to come and enjoy spending time here.

In order to hear local people’s views on our updated proposals before we submit a planning application, we held a consultation from Monday 9 May 2022 to Thursday 26 May 2022. We also held a public drop-in event on Tuesday 17 May 2022 in the Marketing Suite at Dantzic (Dantzic St, Manchester, M4 2AH).

To ensure that everyone has had the opportunity to engage with this consultation, we have decided to extend the deadline to provide feedback on our proposals to Friday 17 June 2022.

For more information about our proposals, click here to view or download the information presented at our drop-in  event

Our updated proposals for 2&3 Angel Square in a nutshell

2 & 3 Angel Square: Introducing the updated proposals for two new office buildings at NOMA.

  • 2 new ‘next generation’ sustainable office buildings, 14 storeys (2 Angel Square) and 13 storeys (3 Angel Square) in height respectively, including rooftop levels
  • A total of approx. 440,000 sq. ft. of new office space, bringing new businesses and workers to the area
  • 9,278 so ft of ground floor commercial space to provide amenities and vibrancy
  • A Bike Hub for the wider NOMA area, providing 137 cycle spaces, as well as lockers other facilities to encourage active travel
  • Limited parking for both buildings (15 spaces), including electric vehicle charging bays and 2 accessible spaces
  • Improvements to the surrounding public space of Angel Square, including landscaping and planting


Have your say

The deadline to submit feedback on our proposals was Friday 17 June 2022.